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"Get your Best Hair" eBook

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Dr. Nambi's
Ultimate Guide to Ayurvedic Hair Care
50+ pages of insights, mythbusting and guidance so you can get to your best hair.
Four Reasons

Why Two Oils are Better than Single Hair Oil

1. Clean Scalp

Remove buildup, dandruff, impact of chemicals etc

2. Prepare Scalp

Enable nourishment to reach hair roots

3. Dosha Balance

Makes the scalp healthy so nourishment can be absorbed

4. Nourish Roots

From great herbs like Brahmi, Amla, Bhringraj

Better Hair in Six Weeks

"In authentic Ayurveda, you have to prepare before you treat. My patients have been getting great results with my two-oil, hair-care routine for many years" -Dr. Nambi

Oil 1: Prepare
Scalp Prep Oil

Scalp buildup (from pollution, hard water, grime, dandruff, shampoo/chemical residue etc) prevents nutrition from reaching hair roots.

Scalp Prep Oil cleans out this buildup, so Oil 2 (Hair Growth Oil) can nourish.

Oil 2: Nourish
Hair Growth Oil

Contains powerful Ayurvedic hair growth ingredients (Bhringraj, Brahmi, Amla etc.) PLUS dosha balancing ingredients that make the scalp & hair roots healthy.

Healthy roots mean that hair growth nutrients are actually absorbed - no more starvation!

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It barely takes 5 minutes to apply and won't disturb your daily routine. The process is the same for both the oils. You apply the oils 3 times per week. Warm slightly and apply directly to scalp - and massage with your fingers for about 2 minutes.

You can then go about your regular chores - and wash off after about 45 minutes (or a muhurta)

To Cleanse & Prepare we have Sweta Kutaja, Dattura, Tulasi, plus Amlaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki to provide gentle dosha balancing.

To Dosha Balance/Rebalance your scalp (i.e. Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and improve health of hair roots, the following dosha balancing herbs are used: Sariba, Manjishta, Vacha, Yasti, Aswagandha & Satavari

For Hair Growth & Nutrition we have powerful herbs such as Bhringaraj, Amla, Brahmi, Maricha, Kaidarya, Devadaru.

We use premium quality, cold-pressed coconut oil for the two oils.

Shampooing normally strips essential oils and unbalances the scalp. Our Gentle Natural Shampoo is mild and designed to lessen such imbalances. Plus the Hair Nourishing Elixir can quickly rebalance the scalp and provide all day nourishment.

However, if you don't shampoo regularly, you do not need the shampoo or elixir - the two oils are enough. You can use this guide with 2 simple questions to help decide which kit is best for you.