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"Get your Best Hair" eBook

Understanding Dravyaguna: The Science of Ayurvedic Pharmacology

Dravyaguna is a fundamental branch of Ayurveda, focusing on the properties, actions, and therapeutic applications of medicinal substances, or "dravyas."...

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Excess Hair Fall in Winter – Why And How to Manage It

If you’ve noticed your hair shedding more than usual this winter, you’re not alone! It is normal to shed 50...

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Why Sebum in your Scalp is a Hero, Not a Villain

For many, sebum—the natural oil produced by the scalp—has earned a bad reputation. It’s often blamed for oily hair, dandruff,...

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What is normal hair fall in adults?

Hair fall can be concerning, but it’s important to understand that losing some hair daily is a completely normal and...

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The tri-dosha reasons for your  hair problems

We can consider the hair as predominated by Vata, and the head as the place of Kapha. Higher Pitta means...

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Fixing the scalp imbalance caused by shampoos

All shampoos clean and remove oil from the hair – which many of them do very well. The harsh ones will...

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How dosha balancing helps

What to expect when using the oils

Benefits after about 6 weeks

Dosha balancing hair care user survey


Mentioned that hair-fall was reduced


Experienced better scalp health


Mentioned improved hair quality


Remarked that process was convenient

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