Digestion is primarily associated with Agni, the fire element. This element is responsible for the cooking of food in the body as it breaks down into essential nutrients. To ensure optimal digestion, Ayurveda recommends eating only half the capacity of the stomach, filling a quarter with water, and leaving the remaining space for air. This principle is similar to how rice is cooked in a pot, where adequate space is necessary for proper cooking.
This blog is based on a 30 minute Ask Me Anything session - you can see the entire episode below:
Factors affecting digestion
According to Ayurveda, several factors can influence digestion:
Food Quality: Eating the right kinds of food is essential for good digestion. This means avoiding processed or junk foods and eating fresh, wholesome meals that are suited to an individual's constitution.
Timing: Eating meals at consistent times is also important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Skipping meals or eating at irregular times can upset the digestive fire, or Agni.
Mental state: Eating with awareness and focus is important. Eating while depressed, angry, or extremely hungry is not recommended, as these mental states can negatively affect digestion.
Improving digestion
Eat mindfully: Focus on the food while eating. Avoid distractions to help the body to properly digest the food.
Eat a balanced diet: According to Ayurveda, a balanced diet includes all six tastes – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. This combination is thought to nourish the body fully and contribute to good digestion.
Warm water: Drinking warm water can help increase the temperature in the body which will improve the digestive process.
Avoid overeating: Eating only half the capacity of the stomach is crucial for optimal digestion. Overeating can overwhelm the digestive system and lead to discomfort.
Get adequate sleep: Sleeping at night is very important to improve digestion. Lack of sleep can negatively impact digestion, as can sleeping in the afternoon.
Exercise: Exercising regularly can help to increase appetite.
Questions and answers from the video
During the live session, several questions were posed to Dr. Nambi, and his answers are summarised below:
Question: Is there a way to control digestion?
Answer: Digestion happens automatically, but can be affected by what you eat, and when you eat. Also what your mental state is.
Question: What is the meaning of Paka?
Answer: Paka means cooking in Sanskrit, and it also refers to the cooking that happens in digestion, highlighting the importance of heat in the digestive process.
Question: What can be done to improve slow digestion?
Answer: Don't overload the digestive system. Start with liquid food and gradually introduce solid foods.
Question: If a person has Vishama Agni or Manda Agni what should they do?
Answer: A person with Vishama Agni should eat in moderation, even when extremely hungry. A person with Manda Agni should not overeat, should eat at regular times and only eat small amounts. They should also focus on foods that will promote their Agni.
Question: If a person does not have a good appetite, what can they do?
Answer: Exercise in the morning, followed by a proper bath. These will help to increase the appetite. Sleeping well at night will also improve appetite.
Question: Is a combination of dry fruit and milk okay?
Answer: It is not clear if this combination is good, so it is better to eat them separately. When in doubt, it is best to avoid combining foods.
Question: Is it better to drink water before or after food?
Answer: You can drink small amounts of water during meals. It is ok to drink water before or after food, as this will not hinder digestion. But don’t over do it.
In conclusion, according to Ayurveda, digestion is a complex process that is influenced by a number of factors, such as the type of food we eat, the timing of meals, and our mental state. By adhering to the dietary principles outlined in Ayurveda, it is possible to improve digestive health and promote overall well-being. The focus is on eating mindfully, choosing the right foods, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle that supports the body's natural digestive functions.