This is a recent BBC news article that talks about how someone's life was turned upside down due to hair loss medication finasteride. The side effects included suicidal thoughts, impotence etc. It was apparently the "biggest mistake of his life"...
In fact, the EMA, Europe's drug regulator, is conducting a safety review of finasteride which could include a ban.
Many chemical-based hair care products promise quick results, but these often come at the cost of long-term damage. These products may offer a temporary fix, but they can disrupt the natural balance of the scalp and hair - and other serious side effects like depression, thoughts of suicide, impotence .
Harsh shampoos, for instance, often strip away the scalp's natural oils (sebum), causing dryness and significant dosha imbalances. This can weaken hair roots and prevent nutrient absorption. The body tries to counteract this by producing more sebum, but eventually, it may give up and this can lead to increased hair issues.
Conditioners, which are frequently used to address the dryness caused by shampoos, often coat the hair with silicones and other chemicals. These chemicals do not fix the underlying imbalance but simply create an illusion of shiny and voluminous hair.
Many so-called Ayurvedic products also contain chemical bases, even if they have herbal extracts. These chemical bases can leave residues that clog hair follicles. This buildup prevents nutrients from reaching the hair roots, leading to further issues.
Finally, chemical products like minoxidil or finasteride may stimulate hair growth temporarily, but their effects are not long-lasting, and hair loss can return if usage is discontinued. Additionally, there are concerns about potential side effects with such products - including .
Ayurvedic approach - Natural and long term
The philosophy of using such products assumes the body is unintelligent and cannot support itself, so it needs constant external support. This approach contrasts with the Ayurvedic view that the body is intelligent and can heal itself if supported correctly.
Opt for more natural products that will deliver long term value - not shortcut fixes that eventually cause even more serious problems.