If you’ve noticed your hair shedding more than usual this winter, you’re not alone! It is normal to shed 50 to 100 hair strands per day, and some people experience seasonal variations in hair fall. Seasonal hair shedding is a natural phenomenon, much like how trees lose their leaves in autumn.
While it might seem concerning to see extra strands in your brush or shower drain, it’s a normal part of your hair’s growth cycle. Let’s delve into why this happens and how you can turn this seasonal hair fall into an opportunity for healthier, stronger hair.
The Science Behind Seasonal Hair Shedding
Our hair goes through a continuous cycle of growth and renewal. In scientific terms, hair shedding is known as the exogen phase of the hair growth cycle. This is the stage where older hairs naturally fall out, making room for new ones to grow. Many people notice an increase in hair shedding during the colder months due to changes in environmental conditions, humidity levels, and even stress on the scalp caused by heating systems.
While it’s easy to panic at the sight of extra hair loss, this shedding is actually part of your body’s natural rhythm. Think of it as a reset—your hair is shedding the old to make way for the new.
The Silver Lining: Restarting the Growth Phase
The great news about seasonal shedding is that it signals the restart of the anagen phase, also known as the growing phase of your hair. This is when your hair follicles gear up to produce new, healthy hair strands.
Another benefit of shedding is that it leaves hair roots “empty” for a short period. This provides a unique opportunity to focus on nourishing these roots and improving their health. Well-nourished hair roots are better equipped to support stronger, healthier hair in the next growth cycle. Think of this as a chance to prepare your scalp for optimal regrowth.
How the Two-Oil Routine Can Help
The Ayushoveda Two-Oils system addresses hair fall by focusing on scalp health and root nourishment. The routine uses two oils with specific functions:
- Scalp Prep Oil cleanses the scalp, removing buildup that prevents nutrient absorption.
- Hair Growth Oil uses dosha-balancing herbs to improve scalp health so roots can absorb nutrients, and powerful Ayurvedic herbs to nourish roots.
The Two-Oils work to balance the doshas on your scalp, as imbalances are a root cause of poor hair quality. By improving scalp health and providing nourishment, the Two-Oils can help strengthen and nourish hair roots during this phase when the hair is just started to sprout again.
Seasonal Care for Long-Term Gains
If you experience hair shedding every winter, it’s important to remember that this is temporary and part of a larger cycle. By focusing on scalp health and nourishment during this time, you can support your hair’s natural rhythm and ensure that the new growth is stronger and healthier.
So, embrace the shedding phase as a time for renewal. With the right care, including the Two-Oil Routine, you’ll be ready to welcome a season of vibrant, beautiful hair.